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436 No. 436 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
that feel when no gf
13 viestiä ja 10 kuvaa ohitettu.
No. 543
200_Saunalahden-nettitikku.jpg - ( 4.20KB , 200x180 )
Does KC still have rangeban for finland?
>mfw when cant cry to the mods coz this fucker changes my ip everytime it reconnects
No. 574
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No. 583
That feel when potential girlfriends attracted to you, that you are not intrested in meanwhile as the girls you are intrested in smoke, have serious problems or are taken.

No. 788 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
  Japanese dub is out now. What do you think about it?

Alternative link
Part 1: http://youtu.be/nD4m53M05T8
Part 2: http://youtu.be/AieW3YDIHMw

Episode 2 is on next week.
5 viestiä ja 4 kuvaa ohitettu.
No. 794
833.png - ( 218.61KB , 589x384 )
at least the new intro is better than original
No. 795
Then what do you prefer? English dub, Finnish dub or Japanese dub? And can the Finnish dub be a good alternative when something isn't right in Japanese dub?
No. 796
Twilight Sparkle2.png - ( 376.43KB , 1600x1434 )

English is the best dub. Japanese dub is good, but doesn't really fit, and Finnish dub is shit.

trixie_disaproval.jpg - ( 37.02KB , 280x280 )
405 No. 405 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
>mfw /nsfw/
16 viestiä ja 7 kuvaa ohitettu.
No. 486

Why were these two gentlemen sent to the Moon? I don't see anything offensive in their posts.
No. 487

PS. I happen to know these two posters so I know that they're two of the most humblest gentlemen I've ever seen!
No. 488
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But still they behave like complete assholes

nunst031.gif - ( 18.53KB , 256x256 )
477 No. 477 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
Why do you people talk so much about Maine?
4 viestiä ja 2 kuvaa ohitettu.
No. 482
You must be from Maine.
No. 484
Ok, this was pretty funny. :D

Regards, Ismo Sidey.
No. 485
There is a city called Portland both in Maine and in Oregon, am I right?

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413 No. 413 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
Does your country have its own pony-related memes that you wish to share? Despite being the promised land of self-invented memes, Finland really hasn't much other than spurdo-pony crossovers.
7 viestiä ja 2 kuvaa ohitettu.
No. 426
Niin Läski Hiiri.png - ( 1.12MB , 1976x3000 )
The fat mouse's death was mourned by many.

Who knocks on Heaven's gate?

Such a Fat Mouse
No. 427
confed apple.jpg - ( 84.93KB , 695x1000 )
The south will rise again!
No. 468
Jafar_kiinnostuskiikarit.gif - ( 215.25KB , 349x314 )
Jafar is watching this thread!

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428 No. 428 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
any germans here? just asking?
9 viestiä ja 5 kuvaa ohitettu.
No. 454
Zecora what's good.png - ( 317.43KB , 750x1000 )
Fuck tha royal guard
Comin straight from the tribed
Young ponyz got it bad cuz I'm striped
And not the other color so guards think
They have the authority to kill a minority
No. 455
No. 467
140390 - b_in_a_nutshell crazy_finns Ebin euroshop.jpg - ( 1.04MB , 3048x1380 )
mehr spurdo

rarityriga.jpg - ( 230.22KB , 1000x750 )
466 No. 466 hide quickreply [Reply]
Reporting in. There's about 40 of us. Contact us at poniji@googlegroups.com

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291 No. 291 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
Hai, finns! Its your oversea-NEIGHbour ponies, the Estonians. Just tellin' that bronies exist in estonia too.
11 viestiä ja 5 kuvaa ohitettu.
No. 387
>Come to finnish meetups
>Sell booze for afterpartiers
No. 388
Hingeroostes. Krikin kaja pöhö! <3
No. 465
Estonia is one of the few other countries on earth except Finland that I approve.

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430 No. 430 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
Ask a finnish brony anything.
10 viestiä ja 8 kuvaa ohitettu.
No. 462
YOUR RESISTANCE ONLY MAKES MY MLP HARDER t twaikku.jpg - ( 29.21KB , 500x375 )
No. 463
octavia.png - ( 51.95KB , 242x269 )
Are you interested in dating without buttfun at least on the first date? I'm good looking, educated and on the wagon, so we'd have a lot of fun together.

Second question: Do you like bicycle trips to the countryside?
No. 464
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I would be interested, even though i'm not into dating per se. Turning down offers isn't polite.
As for the second question: Yes. It's a calming experience to stroll by beautiful landscapes at your own pace.

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421 No. 421 hide quickreply [Reply]
Sziasztok! :3
No. 424
Oh hi, my Hungarian brony!
No. 1212

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