Yläpalkin lukitus:
Ikkuna Sivu

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 (to thread 428)
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130945852098.png - ( 248.62KB , 800x480 )
428 No. 428
any germans here? just asking?
Laajenna kaikki kuvat
No. 429
132290185140.png - ( 227.15KB , 915x873 )
No, there's no one here.
No. 431
108481 - fluttershy hugs macro rainbow_dash.jpg - ( 27.38KB , 280x300 )

Tell your friends about this imageboard :)
No. 447
request - kalas - lyra im deutschthreadrun WiP.jpg - ( 193.90KB , 800x800 )
German brony here.

We could move here if ponychan keeps screwing with us, and if that one dude keeps betraying us. Maybe. This is a nice board and nsfw is kinda allowed an all!

We already played with the though of making our own imageboard, but hey, this could work.. I will see if the others like the idea.

>WiP Picture
No. 448
Willkommen, meine Deutschen Freunde! Wir sprechen Deutsch hier (aber ich spreche Englisch besser).
No. 449
English only, it's in the rules.
No. 450

Fick die Polizei!
No. 451

Samma på engelska: Fuck da police!
No. 452
132958893671.jpg - ( 29.22KB , 571x458 )
I didn't know people from Compton posted here.
No. 453
Oh_you_silly_crack_ponies-(n1303866970714).png - ( 207.51KB , 693x905 )
Str8 outta Equestria, crazy motherf**er named Zecora, from a gang called Ponyz wit Attitudes
No. 454
Zecora what's good.png - ( 317.43KB , 750x1000 )
Fuck tha royal guard
Comin straight from the tribed
Young ponyz got it bad cuz I'm striped
And not the other color so guards think
They have the authority to kill a minority
No. 455
No. 467
140390 - b_in_a_nutshell crazy_finns Ebin euroshop.jpg - ( 1.04MB , 3048x1380 )
mehr spurdo

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