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Ikkuna Sivu

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 (lankaan 2090)
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1369804617163.png - ( 423.79KB , 700x800 )
2090 No. 2090
Let's continue with this art thread, shall we?
Laajenna kaikki kuvat
No. 2095
Are you OP?
Doubtful, where is OP, did he actually get banned? Haven't seen him post since he replied to me
No. 2098
I sure as hell hope not, or the mods will have hell to pay to the extent we can make them pay it.
No. 2099
Yes thank good
Fucking mongols
No. 2100
This place is fucking weird

Who knows, maybe he'll see it and continue

Fuck mlp mods
No. 2103
We're unsure. The thread was deleted, and he migrated to the Trixie dump thread. He chatted a bit and posted one more pic and was then deleted again. We haven't heard from him since.
No. 2106
What language is this?
I'm okay with that though.
No. 2109
001.png - ( 1.24MB , 2668x1916 )
No. 2115
It's finnish :DDDD It's EBIn as fugg
No. 2119
image.jpg - ( 161.67KB , 1000x1026 )
What is this place?!
No. 2507
This is our home away from home. Our very slow, Finnish, home
No. 2523
I heard Pinkie Pie got posted recently. Where is it?
No. 2525
I think they went to FIMchan

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