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Ikkuna Sivu

Vastaa keskusteluun
 (lankaan 2092)
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Suurin sallittu tiedostokoko tällä laudalla on 97891 KB.
Kirjoita kenttään alleviivattu osa videon osoitteesta:
Salasanaa tarvitaan AP-tagia ja viestin tai kuvan poistoa varten

Trixie-and-mlp-07.png - ( 247.14KB , 700x800 )
2092 No. 2092
Drawfag OP from /mlp/ here.
Got banned, guys.
Here's the last image for now. We'll need to find a better way to do this.
Laajenna kaikki kuvat
No. 2096
You're doing god's work Anon.
No. 2097
Thank you anyway drawfag.
No. 2101
Welcome back.

To continue,
It's okay from here, bring it a little closer and let me see what it can do
No. 2104
What was the winning text, Drawfag? I'd like to include it
No. 2107
god damn it. that's a stellar pic. *sighs* why'd they have to be max fags?

also, using noko...memories
No. 2108

Here's the winning text:

Meh, if we're continuing.

>if that was so simple then show me something great and powerful

I'll do a 2-3 more, please post the links for me on /mlp/
No. 2110
Good to see you back!
No. 2111
You mean Poninyymi!
No. 2113
Fuck, we were so close
No. 2114
Trixie and mlp 1.png - ( 242.65KB , 700x800 )
Shall I repost the old
No. 2116
001.png - ( 1.69MB , 2668x1916 )
No. 2117
Nah, anyone that's here has seen it
No. 2118
why not use imgur to post pics and link them to /mlp/?
No. 2120
Few questions.
When will the next thread be, how long is the ban for, and where can we contact you in case this happens again?
No. 2121
I want to see you go upside down on the pole, Trixie!
No. 2122


Shit, the capper guy isn't here anymore.

Anyone want to volunteer?
No. 2123
What language is this fucking website in?
No. 2124
You want us to post suggestions here or there?
No. 2125
OP, why then not do the entire thing at once and post it afterwards?
That way, you'll get it done, probably faster and we'll cap it fast without banning.
If you really want "interaction" you can "prepare the ground" with a text adventure or something.

Alternatively, wait a bit, the Modération is heavy right now because of THE HAPPENING, it'll probably get more lax again after the stickies and the thanky you card are gone.
No. 2126
I'm here and I'm still doing it
No. 2127
OP, please keep going. We'll move the pics to /mlp/ for you.
No. 2128
This. It'd work well, and you could get some stuff out there. Also a good general storage place for these sorts of things. Sorry to hear about the banning, OP.
No. 2129
So, now that we're here, are you CapperGen?
>stick your hand in there.
No. 2130
Been waiting for this series for a week, don't let us down op. You are glorious
No. 2131
How can I refresh this without refreshing the whole page, can't read jack
Except for VASTAA!!
No. 2132
>> 2123
mukaan google chrome (automaattinen kääntäminen) se on suomeksi myös lähettämistä suomalainen niin i dont saada kielletty
No. 2133
Janitorial Feels.png - ( 844.92KB , 960x717 )
>tfw back to the old days of having to noko and f5

I'm nostalgiaing hard here guys.

Feels and feels and feels.
No. 2134
Don't all great magicians have assistants?
I think I could help you with a thing or two.
No. 2135
google chrome works best
No. 2136
No. 2137
I hope the finns don't mind that we're using their board.
No. 2138
so far #3.jpg - ( 908.40KB , 2791x1902 )
I'm also still capping, not that I think it's needed with about 3 or 4 others also doing it.

I have no idea what these buttons say!
No. 2139
finnish country m8...VASTAAAAAAA
No. 2140
Also, OP, for future threads, loading pics on imgur and posting links in a thread might be a good way of doing things. Crotchboobs general has been doing this for months for posting nsfw pics.
No. 2141
Saammeko kielletty käyttäen englanti?
No. 2142
Trixie and mlp 2.png - ( 215.32KB , 700x800 )
Oh ok i'll post the rest up to 5 I never seen 6
No. 2143
Guys, can we post this shit in /b/?
No. 2144
We're here as a refuge. As long as we don't start fucking up their board, I don't think they'd mind one temporary topic here.
No. 2145
Shit, there's a native.
Play nice people, we're only squatting for a day.
No. 2146
Now I'm fucking banned and my cap collection got deleted there, too.

Well, any further input on this I'll be doing from here.

So pissed. Those 3 pole pics have mah dick going haywire
No. 2147
mitä täällä tapahtuu
No. 2148
This, go with Imgur, or any image hosting site, and roll with it that way.
No. 2149
Trixie and mlp 3.png - ( 82.19KB , 700x800 )
Where is Op?
No. 2150
No. 2151
Trixie-and-mlp-08.png - ( 251.13KB , 700x800 )

Here's another one!
Using this website is kind of confusing.
No. 2152
Drawing most likely
I wonder how much traffic this site gets
No. 2153
Well to get this thread going:


Oh, it's great and powerful alright, Trixie, but I know you can do better. Why don't you show me that great and powerful pussy?
No. 2154
Pick a card Trixie, any card, it's the only one, it's hard, and you're bound to love it
No. 2155
>not bending her over and giving her the dick
You know what to do OP.
No. 2156
I think that's one of us, if Google Translate is right. Trying to ask if English can get us banned.

Olemme täällä vain väliaikaisesti (we are only here temporarily)
No. 2157
I think it's time for her to make that dick disappear if you catch my drift.
No. 2158
revving intensifies.jpg - ( 58.12KB , 315x310 )
No. 2159
001.png - ( 1.96MB , 3000x1916 )
No. 2160
Let us show you how powerful we can make you with our..... power
No. 2161
Time for sexing.
No. 2162
Propose to do a card #4 on a card #2 leading to a card #1.
No. 2163

Why don't you do some sort of disappearing spell on #1? Your mouth looks like a great place for that kind of spell.
No. 2164
Please repost new pics to /mlp/ so people can stay in touch
No. 2165
Trixie and mlp 4.png - ( 165.48KB , 700x800 )
Based Op can you please repost 6 I did not capture that one
No. 2166
Jesus Christ this site. How do I shot web?
No. 2167
frontal shot, back to pole pls
No. 2168
yes, now I bet you can't make the entire dick disappear down your throat, I assume a Great and Powerful unicorn such as yourself could, but if not I'm sure Twilight could
No. 2169
I'll upload shit on db as it pops up
No. 2170
I think there is a new mod or a temp mod because of the happening, he might not be here next time
No. 2171
May someone post the front shot of Trixie?
No. 2172
4chan on parhaillaan merkitsee meille koska Lauren Faust ratsian hallituksen eilen. Joten meidän täytyy lähettää tänne hetkeksi. Vilpittömät pahoittelut. Pysymme siviili-ja se on vain väliaikaista. Soita se aselepo? Pyydän anteeksi huonoa suomea.
No. 2173
Drawfag, just a suggestion - since this site is like going 4 years backwards, you might want to just say ahead of time which suggestion you are taking for the next image once you select it
No. 2174
Anteeksi, 4chan on lähettämistä täällä. Toivottavasti se on okei. Oli Trixie porno lanka ja se sai poistettu, joten olemme sen tänne juuri nyt.
No. 2175
Trixie and mlp 5.png - ( 251.00KB , 700x800 )
This is the last one i'm missing #6
No. 2176
Damnit, what are they saying, anyone here speak Finnish?
No. 2177

I would love to smell that pole after that.
No. 2178
so far #4.jpg - ( 1.05MB , 2839x2852 )
So is there still winning posts? Cause I'm capping blindly here.
No. 2179
top lel
No. 2180
1360635607911.png - ( 185.14KB , 879x908 )
This lack of autorefresh
No. 2181
trixie06.png - ( 293.83KB , 700x800 )
here is 6
No. 2182

Drawfag, how long are you banned for?

I hope its not to long since you were posting on our behalf and such.
No. 2184
There are only two natives who have posted in this thread so far.

All the others are us using translate to apologize and tell them we're only here temporarily.
No. 2185
Okei, kiva piirustukset :)
No. 2186

I feel like the eye in this one wasn't finished...
No. 2187
Yes it sucks ...anyway what can we do at this point. Why did some anonyymi recommend this site...shouldn't that guy know how to speak Finnish?
No. 2188
I think she is winking, mate.
No. 2189

OP, he likes your work
No. 2190
Olet mahtava
Terveisiä Kaliforniasta
No. 2191
kiitos, nauti esityksestä
No. 2192
Kiitos! Olen iloinen, että pidät siitä. :3
No. 2193
295231__UNOPT__safe_rarity_reaction-image_happy_yes.jpg - ( 53.34KB , 489x444 )
Jumala siunatkoon te loistava suomalainen paskiaiset.
No. 2194
Trixie-and-mlp-09.png - ( 243.82KB , 700x800 )

Guys, don't worry I'll continue drawing until the usual hour (50 more minutes).
Also don't worry about upcoming threads, I'll explain more in my next post.
No. 2195

Not that eye. The other, open eye, is missing all the iris and pupil detail. It just looks odd to me, idk. Not complaining, just wondering if it was meant to be tht way
No. 2196
This is actually really neat! Connecting to a Finnish board who enjoys the same as us.

Tämä on oikeastaan ​​todella siisti! Liittäminen Suomen hallitus, joka nauttii sama kuin meille.
No. 2197
1335135895034.jpg - ( 32.33KB , 262x247 )
These past few days with /mlp/ have been a great adventure guys.
From THE HAPPENING, to this exile trip.
Great work horsefuckers
No. 2198

Here I was hoping for some ass play/anal.
No. 2199
Oh lord, easy there. We don't know how well it translates culturally.
No. 2200
Well, those pics are always sketchy.

Plus we have a colourfag or two to put some finish.
No. 2201
>that tat above her vag
N-no fair! I wanted to save myself for when the action started but I'm having serious issues with keeping my hands off myself now.
No. 2202
Oh boy here it goes
Vag against the pole, just like that. Her body arching in pleasure
No. 2203
001.png - ( 2.27MB , 2910x3000 )
No. 2204
Yes! vaginal!
No. 2205
How about a magic trick where my dick disappears inside of you.
No. 2206

See #1 here? I have this awesome trick where I can make it disappear...

I'll be needing an assistant for this trick though. Trixie?

No. 2207
That post translated to this

This is actually a really neat! Connecting to the Government of Finland, which enjoys the same as us.

Oh shit nigger you done it now
No. 2208
>put some finish
>on a finnish imageboard

No. 2209
My dick is overpowering.
No. 2210
carlos.jpg - ( 19.08KB , 500x367 )

don't you mean Finnish
>implying they'd use the same spoiler tags as us
No. 2211
yes this has been one helluva week...based Faust to based Finns and all the great /mlp/ Friends! Good things do start with "F"!

Olet ollut suuri isännät!
No. 2212
I think the mod was just doing some powerplay. He didn't delete posts other than OP's, even after others reposted those pics.

Looks like just one particular mod that OP happened to bump into who went all assdamaged.

OP, how long is your ban?
No. 2213
OP make trixie say thank you in finnish "kiitos"
while pounding her, to honor our brothers here
No. 2214
Ostaisin te juoda, mutta olen toisella mantereella. Eräänä päivänä ehkä.
No. 2215
Grow a futa dick.
No. 2216
1363885347355.png - ( 91.55KB , 500x375 )
Ah fuck it, I'll just download the bundle once it's done.
No. 2217
No, he deleted my compilation pic as well.
No. 2218
YES do this do this!!! Trixie should say something naughty in Finnish too...
No. 2219
wow scruffy's a little bitch
now we gotta invade this place

oh god even carlos came over
No. 2220
Yes, have a little Finnish added in for our pals here.
No. 2221
Drawfag, I suggest you handle future threads (if this hasn't turned you off to it) this way:

Create your OP pic (since it's SFW)
Take a tripcode (since you won't be posting subsequent images in the thread)
Take responses / suggestions as normal
Use those to create the subsequent pics
Upload the subsequent ones to imgur or some other place
Post the link as a reply, while using tripcode
No. 2222

>It's because of the happening.
>Moot appointed a mod to the threads, said mod probably stayed a bit, and is probably looking after the Thank you project right now (as he stickied it and all).
>Once most of the ruckus over it boils down, he'll leave, and we'll have our threads again.

Sounds like a temporary setback. You get to be back eventually.
No. 2223
OP should wait until the stickies are gone, because it seems like a mod is patrolling /mlp/ now
No. 2224
trixie 1c.png - ( 423.79KB , 700x800 )
No. 2225
no! better make me eat my own semen like bfe
No. 2226
OP got banned, so that's a little pointless now
No. 2227
I had the same idea earlier. I still like it.
No. 2228
We still don't know how long his ban is
No. 2229
no auto refresh = all of my argh
No. 2230
so far #5.jpg - ( 1.17MB , 2839x2852 )
Yeah, my 3 progress updates back on /mlp/ just got deleted as well. Only the images, I'm not banned or anything.
No. 2231
>And then the incredible happened
>Trixie fucked you so hard
>Her magic sent you to Finland
>Anon in Finland, the Adventure
No. 2232
Did some googlefu and found that "Mä tuun" means "I am cumming"...
No. 2233
1368435584102.png - ( 393.47KB , 1002x652 )
>the /int/ board is in all English

well that would have been nice to know earlier
No. 2234
Trixie-and-mlp-10.png - ( 288.97KB , 700x800 )

After the time's up, I'll explain what we'll do next. So stay tuned! We're not done yet!
No. 2235
1361383395898.jpg - ( 21.88KB , 720x540 )
mfw we all develop a fetish for speaking finnish
No. 2236
They probably wouldn't appreciate our nsfw though.
No. 2237
1363654427720.jpg - ( 43.67KB , 576x720 )
No. 2238
No. 2239
001.png - ( 2.61MB , 2910x3000 )
No. 2240
Different angle with the 01 all the way inside her, her body arching in pleasure
yeah again
No. 2241
Hilt that sucker.
No. 2242
Trixie-and-mlp-10-fix.png - ( 290.69KB , 700x800 )

Her eye was really out of place, have a quick fix.
No. 2243
But nsfw isn't allowed there.
No. 2244
yes, better
No. 2245
drop her after cumming
No. 2246
Why am I not horny? OP, are you losing your touch?
No. 2247
I'm surprised at how well it translates back and forth in Google. Almost exactly how you want it to come out.

Not that I don't still think there's something that's not going through, like context in certain phrases, perhaps.
No. 2248
making me edit my compilations!
No. 2249
001.png - ( 2.61MB , 2910x3000 )
using new eye version
No. 2250

Probably because the story telling got fucked up by mods and whatnot, also dat lip bite or whatever is weird.
No. 2251
please, make her say something in finnish like "kiito" (means thanks) or something, you finnishbro should post some naughty words
No. 2252
1352573744072.png - ( 68.22KB , 438x442 )
Oh god no. As a native, I can say finnish is not a language of love.
No. 2253
So is this where the new threads will be made?
No. 2254
Idunno, I'm still enjoying the fuck out of this.
No. 2255
no way, i'm pretty sure you can say something hot with your pretty weird lenguage
>i speak spanish anyway.
No. 2256
This. Getting forced out to an unfamiliar site, deleted across five threads with everything else going on, and OP getting banned is putting everyone in a bit of a sour mood.

We'll enjoy this more later. A good drink should ease this stress.
No. 2257
You'd think finding a safe place would make this all the sweeter?
No. 2258
No. 2259
What is proxy
What is new IP
What is evading
No. 2260
help us out finnbro! All I found was Reva/Pillu (pillow Haha) for pussy...

yes +1
No. 2261
Doubt it, this is likely a 1 time thing since this website is slow and confusing.
No. 2262
Trixie-and-mlp-11.png - ( 221.04KB , 700x800 )

Still more coming.
No. 2263
>It's expensive, like her!
My sides
No. 2264
How is it confusing? It's just like 4chan, but with some features stripped out
No. 2265
she does a magic trick

a sexual one
No. 2266
there will be more coming alright. that's a great pic based drawfag
No. 2267
trixiecombined.png - ( 3.38MB , 2910x3000 )
No. 2268
Mitä helvettiä?
No. 2269
That's not where the vagina usually is... on the stomach.
No. 2270
2nd thread on /mlp/ just got deleted
No. 2271
>inb4 prostitution
No. 2272
>Don't pull on Trixie's wonderful cape!
She never said anything about cumming on it.
No. 2273

No. 2274

Keep fucking her, cum inside.

Or on her tits.

Or on her ass.
No. 2275
Wow, now the replacement thread back on /mlp/ just got deleted, despite nothing of this nature being posted... still no porn. Any updates posted were deleted.
No. 2276
Fapping while discussing, is this a thing?
No. 2278
she's bent over, dummy. that's her asshole above it.
No. 2279
There is still a Trixie thread I made up there


I will post the imgur links and whatnot there when its over
No. 2280
>anon accidentally drops her
>she teleports his dick to finland
>has to go get it before the next drawthread with pinkie pie
No. 2281
aww yeah, giving the D to the G&PT
No. 2282

Or maybe in her mouth. Swallow.
No. 2283
not for long
No. 2284
Do we turn into Bob Sapp by the end?
No. 2285
Tämä on CYOA, luo oma seikkailu kierre, jossa AP luodaan skenaario ja julisteita päättää, mitä seuraavaksi tapahtuu. Ihmiset tekevät tätä usein, mutta tämä kaveri tasapeliä porno, ja AP sai kielletty, joten nyt olemme täällä. Olemme kotoisin 4chan
No. 2286
Ap sai bännit 4kannulta koska modet on homoja, tultiin tänne siksi että saadaan tämä loppuun.
No. 2287
Stick a thumb in that ass
No. 2288
I can't even translate that. Who was phone?
No. 2289
OP, post on Derpibooru too. As long as you tag right it'd be fine.
No. 2290
We are posting it as new stuff is getting released.
No. 2291
pitää antaa minulle Kyrpä
haha...do this drawfriend and you're based for life.
No. 2292
I think it was supposed to basically say "4chan mods were faggots, so now we're here"
No. 2293
This fucking site is complicated as hell... why /mlp/? we were so happy posting porn in you ;_;
No. 2294
It's informal finnish with a grammatical error. It says:

>OP got banned from 4chan because the mods are faggots, we came here until we get this finished.
No. 2295
135 users, and I think most of them are 4channers
No. 2296
It's exactly the same as unextentioned 4chan from a few years ago though.
No. 2297
You must be retarded if you think this is complicated
No. 2298
>confirmed for new
No. 2299
W-well i'm not so oldfag, sorry guys.I just say that i can't see the replies so that make it all complicated.
No. 2300
>manually mashing F5 again

It's like I'm really back in 2008
No. 2301
kiitos selitys
No. 2302
It's a good feel, isn't it?
No. 2303
Trixie-and-mlp-12.png - ( 290.94KB , 700x800 )

2 more to go.
No. 2304
>this thread is literally 100% of this board's current traffic
No. 2305
It's not complicated. It just has less conveniences. You can tell where everything is just by looking at it.

There's nothing wrong with manual
>I love my F5 key
No. 2306
Trixie, you're too much.
No. 2307
No. 2308
1362250340360.jpg - ( 119.55KB , 960x718 )
Better make em count.
No. 2309
Not really sure about this.
No. 2310
04trixiecombined.png - ( 3.72MB , 2910x3000 )
No. 2311
face shot mashed against pole
No. 2312
Based fucking OP. You glorious bastard.
No. 2313
I love you dude.
No. 2314
my boner could cut diamonds
No. 2315
Pinch her nipples while you fuck her like that.
Try to kiss her as well.
No. 2316
tumblr_m1mk5ynwAX1rpjql1o1_1280.jpg - ( 77.86KB , 969x618 )
On behalf of Finnish population, I welcome our international brethren. I believe you'll find our board perfect for threads that need to live for more than one day!
No. 2317
They're the tears of joy.
No. 2318
This file's gonna be too big to post on 4chan anytime. CapperGeneral must have resized the others at some point.
No. 2319
No. 2320
1348329530011.png - ( 63.13KB , 200x200 )
Tällä kuolleella laudalla ne elää vittu vuosia.
No. 2321
Hello, or in your native tongue,
No. 2322
This is probably the most beautiful thing this board has ever had on it.
No. 2323
Literally: "Vittu tätä paskaa" with the "Kyrpä"
No. 2324
If you are from here, then thank you! We really appreciate it.
No. 2325
Thanks for having us. Hope you're enjoying this.

I had a giggle, m8
No. 2326
so far #5.jpg - ( 1.57MB , 2839x2852 )
I don't even know why I'm still doing this when I can just save the other guys capped version.
No. 2328
trixieandmlp.jpg - ( 1.25MB , 700x12000 )
Mine is still at 1.3MB. I'd suggest JPG, you might get an artifact or two, but the compression is worth it.
No. 2329
The only reward she deserve is IMPREGNATION!
No. 2330
because you care
No. 2331

When are you going to explain the future of these threads?

Additionally, cum all over her tits.
No. 2332
>dat image tower

Yeah, I'll imgur the original and play around to reduce the size to 4chan postable and throw that in there too
No. 2333
This This This This This This This This This This This This
No. 2334
For some reason every attachment of the .jpg of the ones you have been doing all come up with "not found" for me
No. 2335
cum in her eye while saying "Mä tuun!!!!"
No. 2336
I like having the PNGs, but we'll want JPG to post to MLP.
No. 2337
1334498518778199.jpg - ( 33.13KB , 641x482 )
"Nyt tulee soossia!"
No. 2338
1368950032603.jpg - ( 9.71KB , 240x250 )
>mfw I should be writing a research paper, and instead I'm browsing a pony porn thread on a finnish website
No. 2339
1368498966544.png - ( 308.41KB , 1200x1250 )
Thank you for the warm welcome, brother.
We've had a run-in with the moderators of 4chan thanks to our little artist friend here.
We hope that our finnish brothers can get as much joy out of his drawings as we do.
No. 2340
Trixie-and-mlp-13.png - ( 288.97KB , 700x800 )

One more and then I'll do quick extras while discussing what's next in store.
No. 2341

I know your feels, tomorrow is my last day and I have finals, but I just can't give a fuck.
No. 2342
"Now comes the 'soossia'"...okkkkie
by the look of their other threads here I'm sure this is right up their alley
no regrets
No. 2343
Pull out and impregnate the Great and Powerful Trixie with an internal cum shot and fertilization in her pussy
No. 2344
04trixiecombined.png - ( 3.50MB , 2910x4000 )
No. 2345
One more and... OP, I won't be able to control myself.
No. 2346
No. 2347
Cum onto her great and powerful breasts
No. 2348
Can OP even DO internals?
No. 2349

No. 2350
Oh my fucking god this
No. 2351
tell her to cast a spell and give you two dicks then cum in both her holes and make um internal shots jap style
No. 2352
Her cape gets stained and she's really pissed about it.
No. 2353
holy shit, same here...
No. 2354
F5_F5_F5_F5.png - ( 346.03KB , 900x568 )
No. 2355

Cum inside, pull out, have one last pump in you that shoots on her face and tits.
No. 2356
this guy...
No. 2357
No. 2358
>tfw you'd never think you'd use this again.
I don't think OP has the skills for that.
No. 2359
>I don't think OP has the skills for that.
aw shit them some fighting words...you hear that OP---you better get some internal cum shot going VASTAA!!
No. 2360
>pull out

u wot m8?
No. 2362
God I've been edging forever now.

I just want to cum.
No. 2363
F5.jpg - ( 96.20KB , 750x600 )
I'm with you, getting into an old habit is quite annoying.
No. 2364
I'm not a drawfag, so I probably don't have the right to say this, but internal cumshots seem easy. If doujins are anything to go by, it's like a pink horseshoe touching at the ends with a dick cumming through the tight opening.
No. 2365
No. 2366
Trixie-and-mlp-14.png - ( 350.55KB , 700x800 )

Be sure to add the reply that specifies that /mlp/ switched holes, or it would be confusing.

Little extras coming now, while we quickly decide on what's next.
No. 2367
Ask her out to a nice dinner for the evening.
No. 2368
"My great and powerful insides..."
No. 2369
I dunno, but I hope you do an internal shot again...

... For Rainbow Dash of course...
No. 2370
You are a god, sir!
No. 2371
I... I love you. In a completely sexual way. I just wanted you to know that.
No. 2372
aww shit, we're breaking new ground here.
No. 2373
04trixiecombined.png - ( 3.92MB , 2910x4000 )
>Be sure to add the reply that specifies that /mlp/ switched holes, or it would be confusing.

Aw you know I got that covered!

Also I vote Pinkie Pie.
No. 2374
Rainbow, in honor of our glorious football team
No. 2375
130499098111.jpg - ( 49.45KB , 455x427 )
No. 2376
Voting for rainbow myself.
How long are you banned? Do you have fixed IP?
No. 2377
3 days is typical for mild porn violation, he doesn't do the threads that close together
No. 2378
Seconded Pinkie.

You're amazing OP, you know that?
No. 2379
Voting for Applejack
No. 2380
I vote Rainbow too
No. 2381
I'll go with Pinkie or AJ.
No. 2382
Athletic subtheme pls
No. 2383
I kind of want to see Pinkie joyfully bouncing on our lap.
No. 2384

Votan for Ponk, with super messy oral and tons of anal.
No. 2385
Okay Drawfag, the internal cumshot was glorious and all but it needs a more natural lead in. We go from two shots of an assfucking to pulling out and cumming inside her pussy. Add something like

>Tell Trixie you're about to perform another trick of your own and MAKE HER FEEL WHOLE

Cause, you know, blowing your load inside her? And I seem to have an unhealthy obsession with Dead Space tonight?

Capper or others can probably come up with a better post to quote for the final cut of the set.
No. 2386
What if...Pinkie Pie food sex?
No. 2387
why not both?
No. 2388
Trixie-and-mlp-15-extra.png - ( 221.99KB , 700x800 )

Dubs or 5 decides what we tell Trixie.

Regarding everything else. I was banned for 3 days (normal porn ban), and I have an static IP (can't do anything about that either).

Also, I want to be on the best interest of the /mlp/ mods so I'm planning on letting the board cool down for a bit of all this FAUST HAPPENING, which was great but has the board with extra mods and janitors in a look for porn without mercy.
No. 2389
+1 vote pinkie for whatever any anon says. By rules of 1st grade, Pinkie is next.
No. 2390
Also, I'm gonna vote... AJ, we need to tan that fine country ass.
No. 2391
I'll have to compare side by side to know for sure
No. 2392

Yes, so much better.
No. 2393
"You're great in your own way" give her a kiss on the cheek
No. 2394
>dubs or 5
>On a slowass board like this.
No. 2395
Yes. Much better. For such a smart one, she didn't know shit.
No. 2396
04trixiecombined.png - ( 4.16MB , 2910x4000 )

I'm changing my vote to Pinkie AND a +1

we haven't had a 3 way yet now have we?
No. 2397
I've got a bad long-term memory, I'd need a side by side comparison to be sure
No. 2398
Trixie... you were the best.
No. 2399
Rerolling for >>2367
No. 2400
I didn't finish inside Twilight, but you were definitely worthy of my great and powerful cum.
No. 2401
>"No, you were the same, I guess I won't know who's better until I fuck the both of you together."
No. 2402
No. 2403
Trixie...you were Great.
No. 2404
No. 2405

I vote for Lyra.
No. 2406
Afraid Twilight has you beat on this, maybe your magic will be a little more, 'powerful' next time.
No. 2407
so far #6.jpg - ( 2.03MB , 2839x3754 )
Just waiting for the next pic and next week hint and I'm done.

Can FINALLY read this as well, I've been occupied capping it and doing various other things that I've only read the first picture.
No. 2408
She was tighter but you were better
No. 2409
No. 2410
Can you add one pic to put inbetween the anal and the internal?
No. 2411
Yes you were wonderful my love.
I don't know, let's try it again. *Wink*
and leave on the wink
No. 2412
Applejack next
No. 2413

Get, I'll be drawing the last extra now.
I also want to do a quickie for this board, as thank you.

I'll reveal next Pone on next post. one sec.
No. 2414
Well, we 'did' just cum inside her and there's a chance we knocked her up so... Dinner might be a good place to start.

Drawfag, I hope we can expect more Trixie from you in the future, this was easily the best one yet. You're definitely improving as time goes on and I look forward to more. Fuck those faggots on /mlp/, your stuff is pretty solid.
No. 2415
you are still attaching your file different or something. all you're posting is the thumbnail version
No. 2416

I'm getting a "not found" error on this.
No. 2417
The grand finale to this all is a preggo orgy with the main 6 and Trixie

It's not, it just shrink for this board. Right-click and select View Image for the full.
No. 2418
That still gave a thumbnail
No. 2419
No. 2420
Still not working for me.
No. 2421
yesyesyes.jpg - ( 329.22KB , 939x799 )
>The grand finale to this all is a preggo orgy with the main 6 and Trixie
Actually posting an image.
No. 2422
I'm looking at >>2396

Left-click to enlarge, then right-click to view for the full one.

The latest he posted seems to have been eaten up. It'll need reposting, or just wait for the next image.
No. 2423
Plz Applejack next
No. 2424
Yes this a million times this
No. 2425
Pinkie Pie is next
No. 2426
1369711724656.png - ( 34.56KB , 300x300 )
>yfw curvy Applejack
No. 2427
Trixie-and-mlp-16-extra.png - ( 229.39KB , 700x800 )
Let's decide which one is next by rolls.

First dubs decide which one of the three remaining ones is next.

I'll be making one last pic, is a thank you for the board. Thanks for allowing us here, Finnish brethren.
No. 2428
Yeah Applejack next
No. 2429
Lemme know what the actual last post is, drawfag. It's almost 3 am here
No. 2431

Ponk Poe
No. 2432
apples pone
No. 2433
Oh shit, we're going to make a clone!

Rolling for Pinkie
No. 2434
roll for ponk
No. 2435
No. 2436
>only used once
what is this? an RPG?
I want refills with bit coins.
No. 2437
Trixie again
No. 2438
No. 2439
Pinkie and Applejack with rarity coming in halfway through
No. 2440
Pinkie Pie!
No. 2441
You a Texasfag Capper?
No. 2442
No. 2443

>tfw me and current capper are in same time zone
No. 2444

No. 2445
Whose post is the reply?
No. 2446
No. 2447
so far #6.jpg - ( 2.17MB , 2839x3754 )
Well then. Just the next week preview and I'm all set.

Love you very much OP.
No. 2448
God fucking damn it, fucking pinkiefags.
No. 2449
na, wisconsin
No. 2450

No. 2451
Pinkie's next.
>all of her energy during a blowjob and doggy style/cowgirl
No. 2452
We'll get ours eventually anon, don't worry.
No. 2453
>pinkie breaks the fourth wall
>starts speaking in finnish
>all the others are eating salads
No. 2454
No. 2455
Pinkie Pie
No. 2456
Didn't realize Wisconsin had the same timezone
No. 2457
04trixiecombined.png - ( 4.39MB , 2910x4000 )
never mind, I forgot it was rolled for

incoming 17th image
damn it, my perfect 4x4
No. 2458
>By the end, anon will be a withered old man with no cum left to give
No. 2459

I'll get this last image and see about that... I've not uploaded there before.
No. 2460
No. 2461
fucking having anon use the potion

give the potion to Pinkie to drink!
No. 2462
Drawfag, Capper, Mentlegen,
Thanks for the clop. It's been an honor serving with you.
No. 2463
No worries. It's easy, especially if you're the artist. You can even create an artist tag for yourself, if you'd like.
No. 2464
Trixie-and-mlp-end-thankyou-finland.png - ( 252.90KB , 700x800 )

Thank you, Finland!
Used Google translate so sorry if I'm wrong.


Alright PP confirmed for next.
I'll drop the preview pic another day since I'm BEAT! This took one extra hour than usual due to the whole drama.
I'm lucky it wasn't yesterday or I wouldn't been able to finnish.

Thanks again, ponilauta!
No. 2465
Yeah, I'm not the artist, just one of the... 4 or so cappers.

Gimmie a list of tags to use with it, I wanna get this right!
No. 2466
No. 2467
>I'm lucky it wasn't yesterday or I wouldn't been able to finnish.

No. 2468
We CANNOT waste that duplication potion on Pinkie, we need to save it either for Dash or AJ.

Double up on the ponies with more stamina and endurance, Pinkie's bundle of energy will give out EVENTUALLY, if we spent it then and there it'd be a waste.

Sorry, I'm chill man, just don't wanna lose the record of it.

Thanks for capping too.
No. 2469
1368826690666.png - ( 6.94KB , 210x230 )
>or I wouldn't been able to finnish.
No. 2470
okay, im leaving out this one then
No. 2471

Save it for the orgy.
No. 2472
Thank you for the fun night, based drawfag.

You deserve a break.
No. 2473
Uploading to imgur now. Made a .jpg version of my saves. It's under the 4chan limit, so I'll include it along with the .png version.
No. 2474

Use the "/mlp" and "Based Anon" tag.
That's what is used for good threads and OC from /mlp/
No. 2475
time to double penetrate pinkie pie (DPPP) oh boy
byebye drawfag!
No. 2476
133411398048.jpg - ( 30.83KB , 600x337 )
you're the man Based OP

fuck scruffy and the mods

thank you finbros for putting up with us lousy western horsefuckers
No. 2477
Thank you, thank you capper(s), and thank you ponilauta! This was surprisingly great here.

Anyway, good night everyone.
No. 2478
As long as the impregnated one we get to fuck again is Rarity, AJ, Shy or Trixie, I'm happy.

If we get a preggo orgy, that's fucking glorious.
No. 2479
YVto5QBqYm33IYBPHr61.jpg - ( 77.41KB , 393x389 )
Finlan stronk.
No. 2480
Trixie.jpg - ( 2.37MB , 2839x4598 )
Alright, done. Gimmie those tags and onto derpibooru it goes.
No. 2481
Make sure you read the tagging rules while uploading (don't worry, they're all simple).
No. 2482
Album here.

No. 2483
Thank you for putting up with the mods bullshit and for the fun thread OP, and thanks for capping Capper.
No. 2484
>not wanting to give the potion to one of the ponies.
I would love to fuck two Applejacks.
No. 2485
Explicit, Trixie (or some variation thereof; you can edit tags later if need be, and others can edit them as well). Don't worry too much about it once you get the basics and what's been said.
No. 2486
bizaam.gif - ( 178.16KB , 500x281 )
Pinkie's next!!!!
No. 2487
well shit. I didn't realize imgur resized things.
No. 2488
This, save for
No. 2489

Here, did it for you
No. 2490
I vote too many Pinkie Pies.

You can never have too many Pinkie Pies.
No. 2491

There we go. Enjoy. Thanks again OP.
No. 2492
Heh, I edited mine slightly so that last image is in the middle instead of looking dumb on the side. Still though, all done. Mine was: >>2491
No. 2493
I have a pro account.
Here's an un-resized imgur link:

No. 2494
okay, I redid it so they are mostly the same size


No. 2495
Someone care to explain what's up here?

The OP who does these got ban'd from /mlp/, but jumped over here or something?
No. 2496
No. 2497
And I assume the OP himself isn't a Finnish fellow? Some anons just happened to suggest to use this board?

Just got confused as I was quickly browsing derpibooru for any new things, and found >>2464 there.
No. 2499
A Finnish anon from here suggested he use this site since the mods were being dicks.

Think he's going to wait for the Faust hype to die down before he tries again.
No. 2517
Or, you know, EG Smut drawfag could just do them all here from now on.

It would filter out the shitposters who can't be bothered to google the website if say, we don't link it but mention where it's being hosted. The stupidity barrier blocks out the shitposters and EG Drawfag continues as he pleases.

Honestly, I don't know if anyone else will agree but I figure maybe those here won't mind us having this one thread or two as our smut filled home away from home.
No. 2522
Is there anyway to get past that message every time I refresh the page?

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