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 (lankaan 9)
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Suurin sallittu tiedostokoko tällä laudalla on 97891 KB.
Kirjoita kenttään alleviivattu osa videon osoitteesta:
Salasanaa tarvitaan AP-tagia ja viestin tai kuvan poistoa varten

47934 - Cupcakes artist-Hydroftt blood licking pin.png - ( 165.26KB , 600x600 )
9 No. 9
Postaan vähäsen gorea, jos ei haittaa.
Laajenna kaikki kuvat
No. 10
1315038121412097.png - ( 106.63KB , 500x561 )
No. 11
52428 - artist-The_Weaver blood crazy fluttershy.gif - ( 34.92KB , 800x600 )
No. 14
1317672644613653.png - ( 0.97MB , 903x1000 )
No. 15
Söimme muuten viime ponimiitissä metwurstia.
No. 16
Oliko ponin vai hevosenlihaa?
No. 17
En tiedä.
No. 23
56109 - Boast Busters Trixie crucifixion death gor.jpg - ( 1.44MB , 960x1280 )
No. 38
132268384848113.gif - ( 779.69KB , 875x941 )
No. 39
Pinkamena 13.jpg - ( 515.37KB , 1600x2844 )
tämä lienee pakollinen tänne
No. 48
132346816480.png - ( 650.34KB , 1027x1156 )
No. 50
94981.jpg - ( 126.31KB , 538x440 )
Guroahan ei ole koskaan liikaa
No. 51
78737.png - ( 483.13KB , 900x700 )
No. 52
86138.png - ( 257.54KB , 700x700 )
No. 53
132076370324.jpg - ( 60.20KB , 600x600 )
No. 54
Sattuisiko löytymään niitä muita amnesiakuvia? Eli Dash ja Pinkie pie.
No. 57
Rarity on hullu huora.jpg - ( 424.59KB , 900x1200 )
No. 59
152322.jpg - ( 142.04KB , 845x619 )
No. 60
16222421.jpg - ( 175.90KB , 812x630 )
No. 61
Kiitos paljon.
No. 64
"Hide n Seek, Hide n Seek..."
No. 66
129893186843.jpg - ( 267.56KB , 990x983 )
Amnesiasta voisi luonnollisesti jatkaa silent hillin puolelle
No. 67
129893195424.png - ( 1.50MB , 943x1200 )
No. 68
130519686189.jpg - ( 404.44KB , 1200x900 )
No. 69
Mihin tämä perustuu? En ole pelannut Silent Hillejä.
No. 79
71149.png - ( 833.97KB , 500x750 )
No. 293
räpsy.png - ( 920.92KB , 1051x788 )
No. 294
132431360066.jpg - ( 86.58KB , 566x547 )
No. 295
132254440722.png - ( 605.43KB , 900x702 )
No. 296
pinkirari.png - ( 252.35KB , 690x588 )
Rarity-langan insipiroimana
No. 365
7832433.png - ( 66.24KB , 300x300 )
No. 366
89732432.png - ( 2.43MB , 1036x1384 )
No. 367
9270812345.jpg - ( 103.54KB , 800x589 )
No. 369
91367 - artist_foxinshadow blood gore knife pinkam.png - ( 1.05MB , 600x900 )
On muuten hieno kuva.
No. 370
78935.png - ( 266.20KB , 900x866 )
No. 371
83068.png - ( 1.39MB , 1169x1266 )
No. 372
132304438190.png - ( 1.04MB , 1366x929 )
No. 373
132422843973.jpg - ( 24.65KB , 500x619 )
No. 379
59914 - artist blackmorass blood creepy Cupcakes r.png - ( 1.05MB , 863x1105 )
No. 380
gantz_rainbow_dash.jpg - ( 238.94KB , 1600x900 )
No. 381
43534253264.jpg - ( 215.65KB , 900x924 )
No. 382
827863434.png - ( 348.69KB , 1280x800 )
Paras lanka on paras.
No. 384
91d7a136ae079284a3b88b623d4552ea358f239b.png - ( 857.82KB , 768x1024 )
No. 385
7044 - applejack blood Cupcakes fanfic pinkie_pie .png - ( 1.03MB , 1200x1016 )
No. 386
32866 - gore human rainbow_dash.jpg - ( 345.68KB , 670x815 )
No. 387
47988 - blood gore grimdark pegasus scoot scootalo.png - ( 862.01KB , 800x800 )
No. 388
52226 - blood explicit eye pinkie_pie straight_hai.png - ( 1.69MB , 1600x2844 )
No. 389
52704 - Cupcakes artist cappuccino blood fat fatty.png - ( 0.97MB , 900x768 )
No. 390
54923 - angel angel_is_dead artist fiarel blood fl.png - ( 399.27KB , 907x631 )
No. 391
55264 - Cupcakes blood gore pinkamena_diane_pie pi.jpg - ( 1.09MB , 1600x1200 )
No. 392
57941 - artist dotrook classic_art death gore pink.png - ( 619.10KB , 1320x967 )
No. 393
61494 - fluttershy furfaggotry furries furry gore .png - ( 0.98MB , 721x900 )
No. 394
63599 - Cupcakes best_pony blood chainsaw gore pin.jpg - ( 94.41KB , 900x748 )
No. 395
130768952618.png - ( 1.62MB , 680x509 )
No. 396
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131159873276-130238244120.png - ( 144.36KB , 600x550 )
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131160647564-evilvore-Cam.png - ( 906.67KB , 1600x1200 )
No. 399
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No. 400
131187300614.jpg - ( 237.65KB , 876x614 )
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No. 411
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No. 412
cupcakes_____warning__gore__by_mittymandi-d48k208.jpg - ( 58.29KB , 900x788 )
No. 413
octovoo2.png - ( 620.50KB , 790x702 )
No. 414
luna1.png - ( 501.79KB , 1000x1000 )
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luna2.png - ( 408.61KB , 1000x1000 )
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luna3.png - ( 418.83KB , 1000x1000 )
No. 417
luna4.png - ( 443.96KB , 1000x1000 )
No. 418
76582.jpg - ( 94.55KB , 1280x854 )
Lankaanhan on selvästi tullut eloa!
Hieno juttu.
No. 419
43477.png - ( 1.93MB , 1639x1231 )
No. 420
60338.jpg - ( 76.33KB , 470x514 )
No. 421
35277.jpg - ( 117.97KB , 479x704 )
Juu, laitoin muutaman kuvan bumppina niin muutkin ilmeisesti innostuivat laittamaan. Harmi että melkein kaikki kuvat mitä multa löytyy on jo postattu.
No. 422
131187308820.jpg - ( 1.68MB , 600x3700 )
Pari sarjakuvaa
No. 423
131187332979.png - ( 2.14MB , 1151x2151 )
No. 424
13118731358.jpg - ( 539.39KB , 600x1800 )
No. 425
Tämä on niin eeppinen.
No. 426
48274 - Cupcakes gore pinkie_pie rainbow_dash.jpg - ( 170.67KB , 791x1011 )
Tekee järkeä sinäänsä että jos tuo olisi totta niin se tasaisi hyvin myös eri ponirotujen välisiä voimasuhteita. Olivathan nekin aiemmin konfliktissa toistensa kanssa.
No. 433
62280.png - ( 333.80KB , 500x536 )
Sanoisin kyllä että kuolemattomuus ei kovin usein tasoita mitään voimasuhteita
No. 434
Ilman maaponeja kukaan ei söisi. Maaponit ovat myös keskimäärin fyysisesti voimakkaampia kuin muut. Proleja siis.
No. 435
48275 - Cupcakes gore pinkie_pie rainbow_dash saw.jpg - ( 168.19KB , 791x1010 )
Niin, perustin tuon väitteen sille (omakeksimälle) oletukselle että vaikkei maaponi välttämättä varsinaisesti siitä kuolisikaan niin pään irtileikkaaminen ja sen kuljettaminen muualle muusta ruumiista/hautaaminen maahan saisi maaponin täysin toimintakyvyttömäksi.

Ihan reilu ominaisuus ottaen huomioon että pegasuksilla on siivet tarkoittaen että maaponit eivät edes pysty hyökkäämään Cloudsdalen kaltaiseen kaupunkiin JA yksisarvisilla taas on teleportti (mitä ei ilmeisesti pysty kuitenkaan käyttämään ihan nonstoppina koska drawback) ja telekineesi, molemmat hyviä kykyjä myös sodankäyntiin.
No. 511
IT'SSS AWWRIGHTTT!!!.jpg - ( 176.05KB , 509x1000 )
No. 513
78962 - creepy rarity zalgo.jpg - ( 88.76KB , 422x343 )
Hiljaseks veti...
No. 556
121361 - blood castration cock fluttershy futashy .jpg - ( 106.61KB , 638x659 )
No. 557
131833962330.png - ( 178.63KB , 893x894 )
Nauroin. Tämä paha?
No. 585
gorestriimi.png - ( 843.06KB , 1400x840 )
Semmosta tällä kertaa.
No. 607
Why-u-no-use-magic-Twalah.jpg - ( 461.57KB , 640x1382 )
No. 699
BabblingBrookDeath.jpg - ( 259.36KB , 800x618 )
En yleensä tykkää goresta, mutta ajattelin että muutama ote Dwarf Fortressin ponimod-kommuunipelistä sopii tänne liian hyvin missattavaksi:

Virtue's Diary - 16th Timber, 252

I've been dreading this day since the moment I decided to found this settlement. It was inevitable that tragedy would strike us eventually, but that doesn't lessen the sting in the least.

It pains me to even record here what happened. Brook was out by the river fishing today, as she does most every day. Nopony saw the thief until it was too late, and it was clear that Brook was slain without knowing what hit her.

Hickory happened across the aftermath, where the monster was picking over her body. The scene she described was sickening. Halberd and Naginata jumped into action, and at the very least they slew the thief in turn. It's little consolation.

I've arranged for a small ceremony for her tomorrow morning. Nopony deserved what happened to her.
No. 700
FalcataWounded.jpg - ( 143.00KB , 500x471 )
16th Obsidian, 253

I feel sick. Falcata was very badly wounded today, and Panacea doesn't know if she is going to live. I feel terrible... if we'd finished the wall by now, or had a decent set of barding for our militia, this would have never happened. I didn't want to see the battle, but I was walking out of my office right as it happened. Two more of those cursed badger pony thieves bypassed our incomplete wall and were wandering toward the dorms. Halberd spotted them immediately, and the entire militia ran off to engage them.

I was trying not to look at this point, but I couldn't help it. The first thief went down almost instantly, but the second was a lot more tenacious. He stabbed Sarissa in the hoof with his dagger before a precise strike from Halberd spilled his guts. Beyond belief, it found the strength to strike out again, catching Falcata in the side with its dagger and spilling blood everywhere. Naginata finished it off with a buck to the head, but the damage was done.

I don't think I've ever seen anything so horrible. Falcata stumbled a few steps, clutching at the wound in her side and making the most pitiful hollow gasps I've ever heard. I don't think I'll ever forget her expression... the panic at being unable to breathe... and choking on blood. She started coughing it up everywhere, and by this time I was running, screaming for Panacea.

I found the pegasus inside the hospital where she was supposed to be, and as Splinter helped Falcata inside, Panacea all but shoved us out the door and ordered us not to come in until she said so. That was hours and hours ago. I now regret building my office next to the hospital, I can hear her still working on poor Falcata. If that pony survives... I... I don't know what I'll do.

At least the rainbow pony caravan that showed up later took out the third thief, lurking outside our drawbridge entrance. Their bolts flushed it into one of the traps Flux set up, and at least the trap did its job. I asked Halberd to get somepony to clean up the mess, I don't even want to think about it right now.

17th Obsidian, 253

Panacea came to me this morning, covered in blood and clearly fighting to stay awake. She told me that she thinks Falcata will live. It's still too early to tell, but her odds look fair.

I feel tremendously relieved, but I also still feel guilty. If I was managing this place better, she would have been protected from that. I've sent out orders immediately for more barding for our militia. It can't come soon enough.

I heard that Naginata gave birth this morning too, to a pegasus colt named Verdant Flash. Panacea was exhausted from the effort, I'm sure. She said the stress from the fight brought on early labor, which makes sense. I think I need to speak with Naginata about resigning from the militia. She has a family now, and I don't want her to leave them in a tragic manner. And if she's willing to charge into combat, heavily pregnant as she was, it's only bound to turn bad sooner than later.
No. 970
353933642_409055.jpg - ( 201.38KB , 1280x768 )
No. 972
132201225875.png - ( 185.18KB , 400x736 )
Hieman offtoppikkia... Mistä johtuu, että jotkut turrit tekevät poneista vihataidetta, vaikka bronit eivät tee samoin? Eikö tämä vain syvennä vihaa toista fandomia kohtaan, jos ajatellaan maalaisjärjellä. Jos minä en tee vihaa muille, miksi he tekevät meille?
No. 976
456789863789.png - ( 90.64KB , 450x450 )
1.Identiteettikriisi/kateus tai
2.Useammin turrit ovat katkeria hikkyjä kuin bronit
No. 981
Minua ei ainakaan haittaa jos turrit tekevät poneista tähän lankaan sopivaa materiaalia.
No. 1044
ponivoikkari.jpg - ( 0.96MB , 1600x1200 )
Tulin vain postaamaan artsuani.
No. 1050
ponigrilli.jpg - ( 639.84KB , 1200x1600 )
Tänään tein tällaisen. Harmi kun on vain 2M kännykkäkamera, ei saa kovin tarkkoja fotoja.>>1044
No. 1082
Cooooooooool, lisää.
No. 1116
sagea vaan itse kulkekkin pellolle
No. 1121
1850667467.jpg - ( 85.39KB , 584x700 )
Joku taisi vahingossa eksyä postailemaan gorelankaan?
No sehän on aina se ensimmäinen askel...
No. 1122
112231280.png - ( 1.47MB , 1280x960 )
No. 1142
kiitos, työnalla
No. 1158
pinkie_nuudeli_2012.jpg - ( 654.90KB , 1106x1170 )
Lisää ruokajuttuja by >>1044
No. 1236
181286 - artist devilhooves blood Carousel grimdar.jpg - ( 226.62KB , 900x1028 )
Voisihan sitä tähänkin lankaan välillä postata.
No. 1244
133653282525.jpg - ( 187.19KB , 900x860 )
No. 1264
32645 - artist The_Weaver Dwarf_fortress gore harp.gif - ( 97.63KB , 1040x821 )
Ajattelin postata tätä crossover-lankaan, mutta kyllä tämä meni niin selvästi goren puolelle ettei sitä voi pistää sfw-puolelle.
No. 1804
nostan pyhäinpäivän kunniaksi
No. 1861
mlf__rainbow_dash_by_telgin-d4dz5gp.jpg - ( 367.82KB , 1024x1626 )
Gore ei yleisesti kiinnosta, mutta DF antaa sille mukavasti kontekstia. Ironista, ottaen huomioon etten yleensä tykkää myöskään tragedioista.
No. 1862
my_little_fortress__fluttershy_by_telgin-d4g8hrq.png - ( 568.86KB , 900x1165 )
No. 1863
my_little_fortress__applejack_by_telgin-d4coyjr.png - ( 942.71KB , 1700x2200 )
Hulluusjaksot ovat parhaita.
No. 1946
Lisää näitä
No. 1956
toistettu, also bump
No. 1961
132190803778.png - ( 423.06KB , 800x1069 )
bumpsis :3
No. 2001
furries vs ponies.jpg - ( 122.48KB , 884x800 )
No. 2003
Rätkänkätkän.png - ( 153.32KB , 948x843 )
Voisiko joku postata sen kuvan jossa tää kokonaan valkoinen jätkä hakkaa Twilightin paskaksi ja lopussa Twi jo rukoilee hyypiöltä armomurhaa? Aion säikäyttää kaverini.
No. 2004
132362138138.png - ( 514.76KB , 666x666 )

Här du gå
No. 2005
134908972479.png - ( 494.83KB , 1200x675 )
No. 2029
6902ec335f001f5922d38eea64a1fd3a.jpg - ( 74.89KB , 800x640 )

Ei ole löytynyt enempää sarjakuvia, mutta tämä oli hieno tarina erään ponilinnan kohtalosta...

Well, within this mod, there are four main castes of ponies. The most powerful of them are royals, effectivly semi-deific creatures with wings and a sharp horn.

Well, in any case, around year five, along with the usual migrents, I get my first Royal. White mane with purple stripes with white fur and black wings. A rarity, considering how many color combinations there are in the mod, and I get a cool one. Anyway, this guy was a good Wrestler,Kicker and general beast in unarmed fighting, so I decide to let him into the military. All goes good for my little godling, until the zebra came.

Numbering at nearly forty zebras, including a few fliers and not one but two members of there royal caste among them, they stormed the fort. My squad of spearponys, Earth ponies that have slain dragons and buffalo alike, take down only half of them before all being hacked to peices. My untrained recruts only had numbers on there side, and even a fully armored pony can only stand so much before dieing. Even the trained Elephant, wise in the ways of Boat-murdering, could take eight down before even it dies, among them one of the zebra royals.

Neverless, my savior stood in full body armor, armed with his horn and hooves, and alowed no zebra into the fort. He avoided all attackes, years of training preparing him for this day. He cripples zebras in mid-flight, and caves in the skulls of every zebra that so much as gets near him. However, the whip-users come into play. Reduced to less than seven zebras, all who are left are a few crippled fliers and nothing less than the Whip using royal. They dual in the sky, with the Emperor outmached. All seemed like the godling could get out of it unscathed, until the zebra made a very lucky strike.

It severed his horn.

Neverless, he killed the zebra and returned to the fort, albet without his link to magic.

Later, while fighting a Giant Eagle, his left wing is ripped off in mid-flight. The resulting fall breaks his back legs. His squadmates finnish the beast off, but leave there friend behind.

Over the next few months, he is forced to fight off animals, such as raccons and rats, and takes on many rips and tears due to it. Eventualy, his leg heals, and he goes inside. Lacking both a wing and a horn, his only real use was in mining. He soon could throw himself into his work, and soon became a legendary miner. All this was great until he got into a fight with a Magmapony. He had few friends before then, most of them dieing with the zebras. A few actualy disliked him. His wife, after around ten min's real time after the marrige, decided to off herself by flinging herself off a chasme. Neverless, he was always rather cheerfull, and did not seem to care about all of his mistreatments .His entire body now horrably disfigured,and after a few months after that incedent, did what every pony would do after something finaly realising jsut how horrific you life has been: Go utterly insane.

The blood was everywhere. The crippled god basicly raped everything in its path, mudering foals and stallions alike with his hooves. His hooves killed more in a few minutes than the army did in years. The fallen champion of the fort, this one-winged angel of death, made a fort of sixty-seven ponies become a graveyard of twelve in less than twenty minutes. Eventualy, his unarmored body was peirced with so many arrows that his organs where eventaly punctured and fell. The fort was that taken by a zebra raid in less than a hour after that.

So ends the tale of a god among ponies,he whose name is Deduk Tatlosherith.

Rest in peace, Deduk. Rest in peace.
No. 2050
Carousel-NefyFeiri.jpg - ( 1.33MB , 1500x1250 )
Postaan tällaisen omatekemän ja samalla bumppaan

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