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974 No. 974
Season 4 starts on Saturday. Who's excited?
Laajenna kaikki kuvat
No. 976
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Well, the Helsinki drinker meetup is going to kick ass next weekend that's for sure.
No. 977
PKM Juliste neljäs kausi.png - ( 1.01MB , 2480x3508 )
You are excited, and whole board, including me.
You don't say :D
That is gonna be one Hell of a party, and we are telling legends from that day
No. 986
What do you guys think about S4 so far? I'm not liking the direction this season is going, personally.
No. 988
I feat, that they are missing "slice of life" episodes, but Pinky Aplle Pie showed, that there is still hope.
No. 989
>missing "slice of life" episodes
That's exactly how I feel. Slice of life style episodes have been too few since s1.
No. 990
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It's been great! Some episodes have been odd, but even they're funny if you don't try too hard to fit them into the worldbuilding.
No. 991
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Many of the episodes so far have flaws that are difficult to ignore, for me least. Pinkie Apple Pie was great though. Hopefully there are more episodes like that left in the season.

Rainbow Falls is today's episode. Let's see how that goes.
No. 1051
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The breezie episode was pretty cool.
No. 1052
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That was one of my all-time favorite episodes! Most of all because it gives more depth to the Equestrias worldbuilding.
No. 1066
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Season 4 ends on Saturday. Who's excited?
No. 1067
I am, because
Tirek, Luna singing, Discord, Box opening, Twilight's library explodes, and all kind of other cool shenanigans
No. 1073
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Hiatus is a pain in the ass. The finale was good though.
No. 1074
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>The finale
It is the epitome of things taken way too far.
The finale was basically an anime, which to me is a bad thing.
No. 1075
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It's ok, you have the right to your opinion. I'm just glad that I share the more common view of that being an absolutely awesome episode.
No. 1077
I thought it was good, but it wasn't perfect. The way Discord was handled didn't settle well with me, personally. Return of Harmony is still the best two parter in my opinion.
No. 1166
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Season 5 starts on Saturday. Who's excited?
No. 1168
No. 1169
No. 1170
Not that much, but I am excited about the launch of Thunderbirds are Go! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6y2hFqgtjLk

Reminds me of the day Season 4 started - once again a legendary British sci-fi show has an important event on the same day...
No. 1171
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I certainly am! It's been so long without new episodes that I have watched all the movies and episodes in Finnish just to see something new!

My face when 1 day 17 hours till the new episodes.
No. 1172
How did you stand all the pain?
No. 1191
The premiere was nice. Better than the S4 and S3 premieres I thought.

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