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 (to thread 923)
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DB-V562frKc.jpg - ( 16.79KB , 318x200 )
923 No. 923
So there's this awesome new My Little Pony imageboard called http://mlp.su . You MLP fans should go check it out and tell all your MLP fan friends.

I hear it's run by some pretty cool people with a lot of experience, and is going to be a million times better than any other MLP-dedicated imageboard out there right now.
So yeah, it just officially opened up less than an hour ago. Go take a look and give it a try~
Laajenna kaikki kuvat
No. 924
Share your drink, comrade0002.png - ( 92.99KB , 1280x720 )
Comrade, I don't even Russia.
No. 925
SweetieBelle1.jpg - ( 45.10KB , 500x495 )
The problem is that I don't know any Russian. I couldn't even navigate worth a shit on the page.

Pictured on the left is my impression had I stayed on the site for any longer.
No. 926
130730746219.png - ( 133.71KB , 640x360 )
Can't read this russkie shit

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