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No. 823
  Any guessing game on who played who in the Finnish dub?

Also, I noticed Spike's Finnish voice is different in some episodes.
Laajenna kaikki kuvat
No. 824
Spike's voice actress is Kiki Kokkonen in some of the episodes; the same actress that voiced Misty and Buttercup in our dubs.
No. 937
1369752154393.png - ( 533.00KB , 1280x720 )
where can i find findub episodes?
i love the sound of your language :3
No. 938

Youtube has been on a banning spree, but here's one.
No. 939
here are most of the seasons 1 and 2: http://www.dailymotion.com/KuyAurelian
No. 942
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No. 943
Do any of you know any online fan community about Finnish voice actors? I'm gonna find someone to identify some voices.
No. 956
I think Shadowbolts leader is voiced by Susa Saukko who also played Fluttershy. (Judging from voice samples on her My Space) By the way, how is the team called in Finnish? Piholaisin?
No. 958

I don't remember what the Shadowbolts were called in Finnish, but the Wonderbolts are Sähikäiset, which is translated as Firecrackers.
No. 959
  Just found a Transformers: Prime clip in Finnish. Did I just hear Celestia, Nightmare Moon or Zecora's voice from Airachnid?

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