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the_great_and_powerful_band_of_trixie_by_shutterfl.png - ( 802.76KB , 900x730 )
80 No. 80
Who are most important persons in Finnish scene of My little pony? Like artist, musicans and writers? I would like to know!
Laajenna kaikki kuvat
No. 81
101180 - artist phauxmlp rarity.jpg - ( 213.43KB , 1597x1309 )
Poninyymi is the most famous writer in Finland's pony scene and we have replaced default nickname with "Poninyymi" as tribute to him for his amazing work.
No. 82
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Yours Truly,
No. 83
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SimGretina is by far the best of the best when it comes to making music: http://www.youtube.com/user/SimGretina

One of the best artists is Huussii: http://huussii.deviantart.com
No. 84
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Coming from a not so active member of the scene, I think our scene is a bit underdeveloped to say really. We have people, who have made big things for the scene (like the Helsinki meetups, the short lived pony radio and such), but I don't think these people have yet made a big name for themselves. We know what they have done, but not them yet.

I think we have one or two, who have made at least a decent impact in the general fandom, but these rarely have a big impact in the Finnish scene spesificly.

This is how I see things right now. Others may prove me wrong, if they wish.
No. 85
99765 - artist mysticalpha box fluttershy Shy.jpg - ( 127.70KB , 825x825 )
>. We have people, who have made big things for the scene (like the Helsinki meetups, the short lived pony radio and such), but I don't think these people have yet made a big name for themselves. We know what they have done, but not them yet.
This is because Finnish scene is very anonymous. No one wants to be an attention horse. Only few people know names of thepersons who have done big things for our scene.
No. 86
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You're right. And since most of finnish MLP people appreciate being anonymous, for example the team behind ponilauta haven't released even their nicknames to publicity. The people of Ponilauta, Helsinki meetups and Poniradio are mostly the same, or at least they all know each other.
No. 87
No. 88
No. 89
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No. 93
While we're on the subject of famous bronies:
A while back someone posted the list of participants of a meetup on ylilauta, and I recall seeing the name Crookedtrees (an awesome yet absolutely horrifying pony-artist) on the list.
It has been confluttershying me for a a while, but is CT really Finnish?
No. 94
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The artist has the United States in his DA-account, so i doubt that.

While on topic, i nominate FluttershyElsa as one of our finnish pony big names, having done popular Weird Al-crossovers and the RaNd0Mn3S5-series.
No. 99

Crooked Trees on the name list was a troll. He wasn't really there and I doubt he's even finnish
No. 100
>>99 crookedtrees is from USA.
No. 107
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Spurdo is a cool guy, he spördels all the threads and not afraid of anything
No. 110
Go back to ylilauta, Klonkku.
No. 111

> Go back to ylilauta, Klonkku.

No. 112
I also personally think Rautakoura is one of the better artists: http://rautakoura.deviantart.com/
No. 113
I am.
No. 114
I am
No. 172
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You silly, I'm one important artist, specialy in /art/

[Takaisin] [Koko lanka] [50 viimeisintä]

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